A single-cell atlas of mouse brain macrophages
Hannah Van Hove, Liesbet Martens, Isabelle Scheyltjens, Karen De Vlaminck, Ana Rita Pombo Antunes, Sofie De Prijck, Niels Vandamme, Sebastiaan De Schepper, Gert Van Isterdael, Charlotte L. Scott, Jeroen Aerts, Geert Berx, Guy E. Boeckxstaens, Roosmarijn E. Vandenbroucke, Lars Vereecke, Diederik Moechars, Martin Guilliams, Jo A. Van Ginderachter, Yvan Saeys and Kiavash Movahedi. A single-cell atlas of mouse brain macrophages reveals unique transcriptional identities shaped by ontogeny and tissue environment. Nature Neuroscience 2019; 22:1021-35.

Human and mouse Glioblastoma immune atlas
Ana Rita Pombo Antunes, Isabelle Scheyltjens, Francesca Lodi, Julie Messiaen, Asier Antoranz, Johnny Duerinck, Daliya Kancheva, Liesbet Martens, Karen De Vlaminck, Hannah Van Hove , Signe Schmidt Kjølner Hansen, Francesca Maria Bosisio, Koen Van der Borght, Steven De Vleeschouwer, Raf Sciot, Luc Bouwens, Michiel Verfaillie, Niels Vandamme, Roosmarijn E. Vandenbroucke, Olivier De Wever, Yvan Saeys, Martin Guilliams, Conny Gysemans, Bart Neyns, Frederik De Smet, Diether Lambrechts, Jo A. Van Ginderachter and Kiavash Movahedi. Single-cell profiling of myeloid cells in glioblastoma across species and disease stage reveals macrophage competition and specialization. Nature Neuroscience 2021; 24, 595-610

Brain immune cells following peripheral endotoxin challenge
Anat Shemer, Isabelle Scheyltjens, Gal Ronit Frumer, Jung-Seok Kim, Jonathan Grozovski, Serkalem Ayanaw, Bareket Dassa, Hannah Van Hove, Louise Chappell-Maor, Sigalit Boura-Halfon, Dena Leshkowitz, Werner Mueller, Nicola Maggio, Kiavash Movahedi and Steffen Jung. Interleukin-10 Prevents Pathological Microglia Hyperactivation following Peripheral Endotoxin Challenge. Immunity 2020; 53, 1033-1049 e1037

Brain myeloid cell atlas of mice infected with the CNS-invading parasite Trypanosoma brucei brucei
Karen De Vlaminck, Hannah Van Hove, Daliya Kancheva, Isabelle Scheyltjens, Ana Rita Pombo Antunes, Jonathan Bastos, Monica Vara-Perez, Leen Ali, Myrthe Mampay, Lauren Deneyer, Juliana Fabiani Miranda, Ruiyao Cai, Luc Bouwens, Dimitri De Bundel, Guy Caljon, Benoît Stijlemans, Ann Massie, Jo A. Van Ginderachter, Roosmarijn E. Vandenbroucke and Kiavash Movahedi. Differential plasticity and fate of brain-resident and recruited macrophages during the onset and resolution of neuroinflammation. Immunity 2022

Retinal myeloid cells following an optic nerve crush injury and inflammatory stimulation
Andries L, Kancheva D, Masin L, Scheyltjens I, Van Hove H, De Vlaminck K, Bergmans S, Claes M, De Groef L, Moons L, Movahedi K. Immune stimulation recruits a subset of pro-regenerative macrophages to the retina that promotes axonal regrowth of injured neurons. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2023 May 24;11(1):85. doi: 10.1186/s40478-023-01580-3. PMID: 37226256; PMCID: PMC10210300